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Walking (Dartmoor History walking group)
Study or activity groups are the reason for our existence.  
It’s what the U3A is all about!
Like-minded members meet to expand their knowledge, share interests or acquire new skills. Members with a lifetime of experience, expertise or know-how in professions, occupations or through hobbies are encouraged to form study or activity groups to share their knowledge with fellow members.  This can also lead to new friendships being formed and an expanded social life. Many study groups meet in members’ homes, adding an important social dimension and keeping the cost of group activities low.
Current study and activity groups
Safety Policy.
Click on the button below to view and print our Safety Policy for groups walking off road
Click on the button below to view and print the Management of Group Finances document
Management of Group Finances.

Click on the name of an activity below to see further information on that group